Community Success Stories

*A new success story from our community submissions space will be posted here every Friday*

Dylan’s Success Story

At 18 years I found myself entering my freshman year of college. I was 305 pounds, abusing alcohol, tobacco, and steroids, and was far away from my relationship with God and my family.

Unfortunately, in my late junior to senior year of high school I started dabbling in anabolic steroids. Not only did I already struggle with my confidence and my identity, but the additional substance abuse only created a mentally weak, immature, ironically obese, unhealthy, anxious, depressed, and suicidal 18-year-old kid. What I thought would change my life, only became a coping mechanism for my deepest insecurities.

I dropped out of college after year one and returned home to be with the family. I knew I was overweight and out of shape, but I’d accepted my fate. One day after I’d been home for a few months I sat down with a close family friend, who was also a mentor of mine that I highly respected. He looked me dead in the eyes, told me I was too young to be this out of shape, and I needed to do something about it. I started dieting the next day and haven’t looked back. That conversation changed my life.

This was almost 10 years ago. The first 40lbs came off in under 3 months just through diet change. I realized I felt incredible when I cut out bread, pastas, rice, or any carbs for that matter. Carbs made me lethargic, so I started to slowly cut them out. This was my introduction to low carb eating.

I’m now 28 years old and weigh 195lbs. The lowest I’ve been since high school.

I’ve been a strict carnivore for 7 months now and can tell you with absolute certainty, I will never go back to standard eating.

I look back on my life and for the most part, don’t even recognize myself. Not just in physical appearance, but in behavior, mental fortitude, and discipline.

I could go on for hours about the benefits I’ve received from the carnivore lifestyle – improved sleep, improved endurance, improved allergen tolerance, 86’d the rescue inhaler, improved immune system, improved energy, improved gut health, no inflammation, no acne breakouts, etc. People are changing their physical, mental, and emotional lives by cutting out ultra-processed foods and adhering to a low to zero carb lifestyle.

It’s not a gimmick, it’s not a fad, and it’s surely not dangerous. If you’re skeptical, do some research.

There are tens of thousands of stories just like mine.