As a former dancer, I discovered Pilates on my path to wellness after what I thought was a dance injury, but, unknown to me, was hip dysplasia that I had since birth. I began taking Pilates on the recommendation of my Physical Therapist and my eyes were opened to the infinite possibilities of this wonderful Method, not only for rehabilitation, but physical fitness as well. I was hooked and began taking my own Pilates sessions.

Eventually I did have hip surgery. Pilates was instrumental in getting me very strong before the surgery and enabling me to make a quick recovery! I was back to teaching Pilates two weeks after!

I was working in corporate America when I discovered Pilates, and it did not take me long to determine that I wanted a career change. I plunged in with both feet and began my initial comprehensive Certification in 2002 at Infinite Dynamics with Karen Shanley and Christine Wilson. This was followed by many many workshops and courses, taken several times a year with well-known leaders in the Pilates industry. In 2014, I was intrigued by an article that I read on Classical Pilates and went on to study with Tiziana Trovati and Siri Dharma Galliano, both Second Generation Classical teachers, with whom I am honored to continue studying, going deeper still into the Pilates Method.

In 2005 I opened Pilates of Old Town, said goodbye to corporate America and never looked back. I have never regretted my decision, because it is reinforced daily as I have the privilege of training our wonderful clients and seeing their bodies transformed by Pilates.

I am also a certified Ketogenic Living Coach, certified through Ketogenic 101, LLC. I have been living the Keto life myself for over 6 years and am completely sold on the wonderful benefits of this amazing way of life. If you have tried Keto and are struggling, or are interested in finding more about it, please don’t hesitate to reach out to me. I’d love to help.

Pilates Studio: