Join Our Community: FURTHER

FURTHER is an online community created to bring people in all walks of life together to discuss, encourage, and navigate through the highly sensitive and interconnected topics of physical, nutritional, mental, and emotional health.

My heart was to create a free environment for individuals like yourself to share your challenges, experiences, questions, and advice with others in theses areas, and foster an incredible community of people along the way!


  • Living Beyond Standard is for people from all walks of life! Our platform was created to give EVERYONE access to a supportive and encouraging community as they navigate their journey to health and wellness.

  • With our $3 monthly membership, you’ll receive access to our global community platform, hosted by Circle. The Circle app is available on IOS and Android which means you can take the community with you anywhere!

    Within the community, you can participate in discussions around physical, mental, nutritional, and emotional health, engage with and message other members, join in on weekly video discussions, create your own weekly hangout with friends, share your experiences or post questions, like and comment on other members posts, and most of all, foster a new community of people pursuing life altering health interventions like yourself.

  • We do not collect any of your data! Because we use as our community platform, your account is technically created with them. We do not and will not access any of your personal information other than what is required by Circle. We will NEVER sell any data provided.

Want to learn more?

Check out our Mission Statement!